Madam Secretary S2 Finale Review: Elizabeth almost got fired and Dmitri comes home

Well, there you have it. The second season of Madam Secretary had come to an end. I was expecting to be a shocking end where Elizabeth gets fired and would have to do whatever it took to get her job back in season three. I never expected it to be a promotion of sorts when President Dalton said that he wants Elizabeth to be his Vice President.

The other biggest shock, aside from the jumping to conclusions firing of Elizabeth, is the engagement of Stevie and Jareth. I was a bit surprised that the eldest McCord would accept Jareth’s proposal so quickly, but she was being proposed to in a restaurant with hundreds of eyes watching so she must’ve felt pressured into saying “yes.” Fortunately, Stevie, after some wise words from Henry, was able to come to her senses and convince Jareth to wait a while before they decide to tie the knot.

In light of this, I just want to say, gentlemen, let that be a lesson to you all should you ever plan on proposing marriage to your significant others. Don’t propose in a place where they might feel pressured into accepting; it might be the right decision at the time, but they might have second thoughts afterward.

While we are on the subject of marriage, it was quite nice to hear about how Henry proposed to Elizabeth. One can only hope that no one else saw the misspelled question. Well, aside from Elizabeth of course. At least the proposal worked, and that’s all that matters, yes?

The scene where Matt was delivering the commencement speech that Elizabeth was supposed to give hit a bit close to home. We live in a world where chasing after a chance to be in the limelight is our only goal in life. The question is, what do we do once we are in the limelight? How should we handle ourselves when that attention turns into a permanent spotlight? We all want to be well-known in our own way, but after we get that fame, will we be able to avoid the Downward Spiral?

As I watched the last few minutes of this second season finale, I had a feeling in the back of my mind that the Russians would double cross the United States when the latter traded Peter Buckley for Dmitri Petrov. I was close to being right if it wasn’t for what happened next. Guess the Russian Foreign Minister was telling the truth after all. Though I have to admit, that ending was a bit predictable. Dmitri spat at Henry as if saying, “Thanks for nothing, Professor.” but then turned around and hugged Henry, as if to say “Thank you for coming to get me.” I’m sure that he will hug Henry a little tighter when he finds out that his sister Talia has been released. Onward to season three!

Photo via CBS

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