Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Hope’s Troubles Are Mounting

It is not Hope’s week on Days of Our Lives. In fact, she’s had better weeks when she’s been accused of murder and killing those in her life. Now she’s getting creepy phone calls threatening her life from people she doesn’t want to bother with, and she’s out to seek vengeance on what happened to Bo. When Hope’s phone rings these days, it’s not good news. That is one thing you can count on with her and her life at this moment in time. Hope is not in a good place as far as this is concerned, and it’s something that we have to take into account. She’s going to receive another scary call that puts more actions in motion, and we aren’t sure she can come back from what’s about to happen.

It seems as if she believes Deimos is the one responsible for Bo’s kidnapping, and it seems that she is willing to kill him to get revenge. We believe that it might be Wednesday when she shows up and holds Deimos at gunpoint, following his offer for Kate; the one he is certain she cannot refuse if he is able to convince her to listen to him. We know that Deimos was working with John and that it’s John who had Bo kidnapped, but we aren’t sure Hope knows what’s happening in this respect.

We also see that Summer is going to have some issues with Brady on Wednesday. She’s not happy with something, and it seems that it has to do with Maggie. She’s conflicted and unsure what to do, and it appears that Brady is going to be the person she turns to in an effort to see if she can get some answers and find a way to get what she wants. Things are not going her way, and we suspect she might be losing it a bit. She’s already shown herself to be a bit unstable, and we simply are not sure she isn’t going to completely lose it as the time goes on. What do you think? Do you think Summer is all right or is there something else going on with her?

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